Friday, May 25, 2012

Advanced Wordpress SEO Secrets Part 3


Well As you have Read our previous article on Wordpress SEO secrets.We at incomefigure bring you another article related to Wordpress SEO secrets. I personally recommend the readers to read our Advanced Wordpress SEO Secrets Part 1 Advanced Wordpress SEO Secrets Part 2 So than it will be more helpful and easy to understand as I have carried some stuff from our previous post. So lets get started.Below are some key points so do read it.!. Below  are our Tips and Secrets Which we are going  to reveal.

The Title of your Blog Post:

Incorporating keywords into the title of your post is a good idea. Since I’m writing this article about optimizing your WordPress blog for SEO, I wanted to include as many of those keywords as I could while at the same time trying to create a title that would interest potential visitors. Search engines “see” this title, and you see this title.

This is an most important tip of our “Wordpress SEO secrets”. This is one of the strongest ways to get listed for a search term. However, it is again incredibly important to remember that you must not practice keyword stuffing. Only put your keyword in the title if you’re able to make it sound fun, exciting and engaging to your readers.

XHTML Code: Several reasons that you should take the time to validate your website to the standards of the World Wide Web Consortium. If you know anything about the basics of html then getting started won’t be difficult. Simply click through to the W3C Validator, type in the name of your website, and then follow the instructions that it provides you for resolving each issue. Advanced: Although Google clearly states that they will not dock a website for invalid code, you won’t ever have to worry about them missing anything if your site is semantically accurate.

Link Keywords:  Internal links are a powerful way to let Google know what your articles are about, and they’re a terrific way to increase page views across your site as they invite your readers to click through to read other articles. Do you interlink your articles?  You should. Take a tip from keyword data. However its just tells you about 50-65% of what you need to know.

Keyword data tells you exactly what customers are searching for. Using meta description tags is no longer considered to be as important to SEO as it once was. Google reports that they no longer include meta descriptions in their algorithm.  However, these descriptions still appear in the search results. Therefore, they can influence whether or not someone decides to click on your link and visit your site.

Google Sitemap:Google likes it when you provide them with an easy-to-read overview of all the pages on your site. The easiest and most effective way to deliver this much needed SEO tool is to simply install the WordPress plugin called Google XML Sitemaps. This plugin will do all the hard work for you and automatically update every time you add new posts to your site.

Link to Content: It’s always a good idea to point your users toward resources on other websites that will be helpful for them. It shows security as a thought leader in your niche when you’re willing to suggest to your readers that they leave your site, and search engines favor sites that link to other websites that it views as both generally authoritative and relevant to your articles.

Note: Don’t link to other sites with the hope of getting something in return. Find resources that are genuinely helpful and share them with your readers. People will respect you for it.  

Target Keyword Subjects and Theme for SEO: Arrange your wordpress blog in a silo or themed format, with the main subjects covered representing each silo. Focus your keyword targeting on a limited number of terms for more targeted seo.

 Focusing on siloed or themed content makes it easy for Google to index and focuses your content more on the words you really want to be ranking for. I don’t practice hyper-strict siloing, but its helpful for understanding how Google views your site via its spiders.

Optimize Images In Your Posts: When you can illustrate your topics and articles with attention grabbing artwork or photography people are more likely to view your content.  As you work to do that, be sure to use image titles and alt text that adequately describe both the image and the content of the article. Search engines don’t “see” images.

That’s why it’s so important to use the file nametitle, alternate text and description fields to help optimize your site for the search engines (SEO) Enter carefully chosen keywords that describe your post (not necessarily the picture).

Link to Related Posts:  My final piece of advice  in our “WORDPRESS SECRETS”is to install WordPress Related Posts Plugin and begin linking to 4 or 5 similar articles at the bottom of each article. This is both a terrific way to guide your readers to more of your articles on similar topics and it’s a terrific way to guide search engines around your site.

Its an important tip of our “Wordpress SEO secrets

Things To Avoid on Your WordPress Blog:  
  • What to Avoid on Your WordPress Blog
  • Avoid unethical gray and black hat search engine optimization tactics.

Check out Yahoo’s quality content guidelines that lays out how it determines user relevance and rank. The principles apply to Google and most other search engines as well.This is most important tip of our “Wordpress SEO secrets


So that’s where it ends today, hope it wasn't too hard work, and you’ve seen something you might not have thought about yet, but if not there’s plenty more to come.I hope this article may have provide you enough knowledge for you people to become a champ in SEO.

As this was our motive in our article “Wordpress SEO secrets” I hope it has given you enough secrets that you may not known. Stay Tuned for more upcoming article related to “Wordpress SEO secrets”.

Do show your appreciation by liking our fan page @Income Figure

Friday, May 18, 2012

5 YouTube Tips to Keep Videos Alive

YouTube, as always, is an unbeatable video website that has reached countless milestones. Despite issues of copyright infringements and the fear of oversaturation, a lot of online users are still on the platform uploading video after video. However, the majority of video uploaders are remiss on techniques that can successfully launch their videos to the point of becoming viral. They only think in terms of YouTube views and not on longevity. What they need are techniques that will help them see the big picture of a YouTube success.
Why not try these tried and tested strategies?

  1. Piggy Back Technique

The piggy back technique pertains to riding on the limelight of others. There are two ways to do it. First is to leverage your video to what is already trending or popular online. You want to be swept together with the popular videos or topics that people are currently searching for. You will appear in the search results which will give you a bigger chance to get clicked and viewed. Second is to post video responses to niche-related YouTube channels. 

  1. Relevant Online Communities

Look for popular and relevant online communities where there is a pool of users. You can sign up for Digg or Reddit and start establishing relationships with community members. When the time is right, you can start sharing your videos and create a discussion around it.  It is important to share your videos outside the realm of YouTube. There are endless possibilities on forums and other types of online communities.

  1. Build Subscriber Base

Just as celebrities need fans, video owners need viewers and subscribers as well. They are the ones who will see your news feed such as video likes, favorites and new uploads. And you can’t gather a lot of these people if you have crappy video content with a sorry number of YouTube views, or if you don’t do the next strategy below.

  1. Respond

This strategy is repeated in the nth time on video blogs but still there are those people who are too smug and complacent that they neglect or deliberately ignore comments. What are they thinking? Unless you are a popular music artist like Bieber, your videos need a voice or people will stop commenting on your other videos. This is not limited to YouTube. You need to respond to comments about your videos even on blogs or forums as well.

  1. Link your videos

This is a very valuable strategy if you want to shine a light on your other videos in your video library. You can use annotations or place video links on the description box. You can put links to related videos or previous videos with a lot of YouTube views.
These tips have been written repeatedly, yet only a few tried to apply it to their YouTube plans. Maybe it’s no longer about strategies but a case of idleness.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Advanced WordPress SEO Secrets Part 2

Well As you have Read our previous article on Wordpress SEO secrets.We at incomefigure bring you another article related to Wordpress SEO secrets.
I personally recommend the readers to read our Advanced Wordpress SEO Secrets Part 1
So than it will be more helpful and easy to understand as I have carried some stuff from our previous post.

So lets get started.Below are some key points so do read it.!.
Speed is an important part for every blog if you are looking to get search engine traffic. Google has loved fast loading blogs for some time now. Although some do not agree with this, I have only got more hits from search engines since optimizing my blog for speed. Check below plugins to get more hits on your site.

DB Cache – This plugin caches every database query with given lifetime. It is much faster than other html caching plugins and uses less disk space for caching.

WP Super Cache – This plugin generates static html files from your dynamic WordPress blog. After a html file is generated your webserver will serve that file instead of processing the comparatively heavier and more expensive WordPress PHP scripts.

WP CSS - This plugin GZIP and strip whitespace from your CSS files. It allows you to confidently use @import inside a CSS file and not worry about what happens on the user’s end. It will look through your style.css file and put any @import files into it. A cache expiry time can also be set.

PHP Speedy WP – PHP Speedy is a script that you can install on your web server to automatically speed up the download time of your web pages.

Optimize DB - For some People running WordPress, the use of phpMyAdmin appears to be a risky thing. There’s just too many options. This plugin lets you do just one simple task: optimize the tables of your database, to reduce their overhead.
Next time you are thinking about a webhost, pick one with a server that has speed.

Content Pages:

There is Another  secret in of our  “Wordpress SEO secrets” Called Content Pages.

Now let me tell you people what really it is.You see We need to get posting pure and simple, but firstly we need to work out a few things. Are we having static pages? we think you want them, and they don’t just want to be “about us” and “contact”

What is your ultimate keyword target? ..say over 3 years your site explodes, and you became the authority on your topic, what’s the ultimate glory ranking word/s?

Hopefully it will be in your domain name anyway, but if not, no matter, we optimize the front page for it, and get the correct variants and modifiers into the descending URL structure. So with our site as an example, income, obviously the ultimate targets are the big one worders, Wordpress SEO secrets SEO & Income Figure, it wouldn’t get any better than getting first page for both of those.. (but neither would exactly be “converting keywords” and so cost / benefit must always apply.

Page optimization is also important if your looking to improve your SEO on WordPress. 

The simple things you can do is use the breadcrumbs plugin so that you can show search engines around your Blog. It will be easier for search engines to find all your content and at a faster speed. Page numbers will also help your SEO so use the WordPress SEO Pager Plugin.In our previous post we have told you how you can increase you traffic.

So carefully optimize your top level (index) page for your ultimate target terms.

WordPress Post Plugins SEO:

It is important that you use plugins to help your WordPress SEO. There are many plugins that can do this for you but if you want the best SEO for WordPress there are a few that are better than others.
The one I use is either All in One SEO Pack or HeadSpace 2. They both let you optimize your titles, descriptions, and keywords of your posts. Both of them will do the same for your overall blog.


SEO Keywords:

As our main site targets the vast majority of the “proper” SEO keywords that we know convert (and some others too) we really use the blog mainly for supplementing content to “rank though” the site above, and for immediacy in the charts when required As our main site targets the vast majority of the “proper” SEO keywords.

Use the Google suggested phrases for your main keyword (at the bottom of the Google page) to help you if you are unsure, maybe “keyword authority” around a certain phrase (your top level one).

Check out this  Google Adwords and look at the traffic figures for each of the subterms, and cross-reference with what’s most relevant to your site and product, not what has the highest traffic. Targeting the wrong words and chasing impossible phrases is just silly, we want qualified, targeted traffic only, all the rest is mostly pointless.its an essential secret of our “WordPress SEO Secret”.

Filler posts these are as the name implies, exactly that, fodder to fill the gaps. However, that doesn't mean they should be poor, these are actually our favorite posts. Write about things you want to say, or get off your chest. Use humor as much as possible, make them as entertaining as you can.  

Link as out as relevant, inbound if it’s applicable, but don’t try to get SEO links in that don’t go with the story. It’s a chance to practice your writing skills and not worry too much about SEO for a change. So that’s the basics of WordPress SEO content creation in operation.I hope you would have liked our series of “WordPress SEO Secrets”. There are more to come in near future.

Title for WordPress SEO:

Title optimization is an important WordPress SEO Secret. You definitely need to download the plugins that I mentioned in number two. These plugins will allow you to insert any title that you want to have show up in Google for your article. It is important to write good titles that Google loves.Make sure that any keywords that you are targeting are at the front of your title. It seems that Google and other search engines give you a better ranking for the keywords at the beginning. Try not to use one of those automatic title makers.

<title> WordPress SEO Secret & Your Blog</title>

In this article we’re going to cover all aspects of blogging SEO , WordPress SEO Secret we are aiming to produce a comprehensive guide on how to SEO a blog WordPress SEO Secret, through to your content, site structure and strategies, we’re going to explode your Blogs SEO, WordPress SEO Secret until it ranks like a pro SEO (Income Figure) blog

Get the idea?  you’ve gotten all the words covered in easy natural language in the intro. Now just talk some more around it below, naturally, and you’re mostly there.This I condiser myself the most essential secret of our “WordPress SEO Secret”.

What to Write in Post:

One of the biggest problems faced by many many bloggers is what to write about on an ongoing basis, its often difficult to come up with new ideas and fresh material. But when you can get onto something important early, or even first, there is big potential for traffic, and picking up natural links by being one of the first into the SERP with a post about it.

Google also seem to possibly give extra long-lasting credence over and above the freshness factor to posts that were first in the charts,

We run Google alerts on our theme words, watch the big boys blogs, SEObook, SEOmoz etc, and just  generally keep an eye out for news or interesting stuff to expand on or add something to, and this is the key, make it your own, whether by adding in your personality, some extra information, or being controversial doesn’t really matter, just get onto it and get it ranking first or in the first 5 posts about it.

If youre 3 days late, it’s too late, don’t bother unless you can really add new value to it, no-ones interested in reading the same old thing re-hashed over and over.

Apply standard linking tactics (as per theme posts) and never be afraid to link out to the resource or competitors who break news, it probably helps bind you into the mix for the term, and definitely doesn’t hurt. (if they’re direct chart competitors just use bland anchor text, dont nofollow them it’s rude) If you’re linking to another WP blog post, the author will see it, and sometimes they’ll even link back at you 

if you’ve added anything of interest to the discusion.  ..More trackback power. (We run dofollow trackbacks guys, decent inbounds are rewarded, scrapers will be spammed as usual of course).These are our essential secret of “WordPress SEO Secret

 Our WordPress SEO Secret Results:

It is important to look at your SEO results so you know what is working and what is not working. However, make sure you give your article sometime to be indexed in the search engines and get a good ranking. I use WassUp so that I can look at live traffic coming to my blog. Many people use Google Analytics but I just use that past days. It doesn’t give you any live feedback on the traffic coming your Blog.


So that’s where it ends today, hope it wasnt too hard work, and you’ve seen something you might not have thought about yet, but if not there’s plenty more to come.I hope this article may have provide you enough knowledge for you people to become a champ in SEO. As this was our motive in our article “Wordpress SEO secrets” I hope it has given you enough secrets that you may not known.Stay Tuned for more upcoming article related to “Wordpress SEO secrets”.

Source: - "Wordpress SEO secrets I by SEOibiza"

Do show your appreciation by liking our fan page @Income Figure

Friday, May 11, 2012

How to write a SEO optimized Post For Wordpress

Are you finding it difficult in ranking higher on search engines? The real reason is because you are not writing SEO optimized Posts.

If you are a blog writer, or a copy writer, you can help customers discover your web page or content by writing an SEO (Search Engine Optimized) Content. You need to create articles that has key terms and can help customers discover your web page.

How to write a SEO (Search Engine Optimization) post on your website. If you want your content to always position No 1. You can check our already posted article on SEO. You can also follow the steps given below these are the top 10 aspects that might position your site.

Okay, this is what the top ten elements to put in every content you write.

1. Keyword title in your Post title! – Your keyword term should be included in the name of your post.

2. H1 heading with keyword phrase! – Your paragraph should be written in the largest heading size.. If you are using WORDPRESS it is HEADING 1, don’t really know what it is in blogger, but it is actually there… H1

3. Your wordpress posts should be not less than 300 words. Google is now very strict and its recent panda algorithm has harmed many webpages so protect yourself and write more than 300 words.

4. Inter linking– I never actually know how to say this. This one is like it is crucial. Link to your already published articles and posts or to a well known web page. Search engines simply loves to follow links.

5. Add Keyword phrase to last sentence – Add your keyword phrase too the last sentence.

6. Add alt tags- whenever you add a picture in your post always add alt tags. To read about what are these click here: Adding Alt Tags

7. Keyword Phrase in bold/strong tag – Write your keyword and Bold it

8. Add Keyword phrase to first sentence – Add your keyword phrase to the first sentence… If you are targeting just a word, then by all means make a phrase with it.

9. H2 heading with keyword phrase! – This should be like a little explanation of what you are to write, but it should also contains the keyword phrase you are writing about and also should be in HEADING 2

10. Try to add H3 heading with keyword phrase!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

How To Create A Blog With Wordpress

Wordpress, a better way to blog. I have shared a tutorial to you How To Create a Blog With Blogger. And i have said to you that blogger is the best service to create a professional blog, even when there is another site service that can helped you how to create a blog, like Wordpress is the biggest rival for blogger. Many professional web designer used wordpress as their platform, wordpress used PHP as their language. Not like blogger, if you want to install some widget on wordpress, you need a plugin. Some plugin are free but there's many plugin that you must pay for it. Its your choice if you want to create a blog with blogger or wordpress. Ok so now i will share a tutorial to you how to create a blog with wordpress.

How To Create A Blog With Wordpress Service

Step 1. Go to

Step 2. Click the "Get Started Here" button on the top left.

Step 3. After that fill the form

  • Blog Adress :Insert your blog address that you wanted, if you want to used domain its totally free but except you must pay for that.
  • Username : Insert your username that you wanted for login
  • Password : Insert your password
  • Confirm : Re-type your password that have you entered before
  • E-mail address : Insert your email address
  • What your language : The language that displayed if you have login
  • Thinking about upgrading : Do you want to upgrade your wordpress account? If you want, you must pay US$99/year.
Step 4. If you have fill the form, click the "Create Blog" button on the bottom

Step 5. After that you must confirm your account, open email that have sent to you directly from wordpress

Step 6. And that's it, now you've a wordpress account!!!

Ok guys thanks for visit my blog, hope this article can helped you. How to create a blog with wordpress service

How To Create A Facebook LIke Box

How To Create Facebook Like Box On Blogger. Until now, Facebook still be the first social media networking on the world. So if we optimize our facebook network (Fan page) we can earn more visitor to our site. But how to optimize our facebook network? I think put a like box on our site is a great way, more followers you have more visitor you get.
And now i will share a tutorial how to create facebook likebox on blogger

1.  go to the facebook developers page
2. And now fill the form  

Fill it with your facebook page url, if you doesnt have it you can create it first. Click here to create facebook page

The like box width

The like box height

The like box color

Do you want to show face of your page followers?

The likebox border color

Do you want to show the latest post of your site?

Show the "find us on facebook" text on the top of like box

3. After fill the form now click the 'get code' button 

4. After copy that code the html code to your site.


How To Add The HTML Code to Blogger

1. Login to blogger
2. Go to layout page
3. Click add a gadget
4. Choose HTML/Javascript
5. And then paste the html code from facebook
6. Save it

Google Penguine And Google Panda Panalty...

As we all know, Google is a pioneer, and the world leader in internet search. It owns around 2/3rd (66%) of the shares in the industry at the time of this writing, making it bigger than any other internet company. It has been around for quite some time now, and has been updating its search functionality regularly. Since the past few years though, we have seen some radical changes in its search model. For example, it was only last year that the dreaded Panda update was unleashed onto the world! And these days, everyone is talking about the new Penguin update that rolled out just a few days back. Head of Google's web-spam team, Matt Cutts tweeted a picture of a stuffed penguin along with a stuffed panda. How cute :). Or is it?

Some people would agree. But many will say quite the contrary. These animals are supposed to give out a friendly image about the updates. They are monsters in disguise though! Many websites have been punished and penalized by these two. So what actually are they all about? And how do they effect websites?

 So why are these updates needed?

If this is about any one thing, it's about Quality Content vs Search Engine Optimization (SEO). The concept of SEO has evolved ever since search engines like Google have come along. SEO is good. It allows you to take your website ranking to a higher level. But that's precisely where the problem lies. You see, it provides a shortcut where you can skip writing quality content, and still be able to take the low quality content to a high ranking. In late 90s and early 2000s, when Google was still newborn, some webmasters started doing just that. They would spare themselves the trouble of writing good quality content, and would learn SEO tricks instead, which brought their poor quality content to the top.
Through he years, search engine optimizers kept at it. Google has been constantly improving its search module, but these people learned to duck and dodge everything Google had to throw at them. Fundamentally, this practice defeats the basic goal of Google, which is to provide good quality content to readers, instead of bogus websites that spam the web and gain the high ground in SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages). Hence, the need for an advanced screening mechanism which would let quality through but not spam content.

Although Google has been implementing such a filter throughout the past few years, it only rolls out major algorithm updates once a year. Google Panda was just such an update last year. And may I say, it was the deadliest update yet. The major update for this year is the Google Penguin update, and it looks relatively less harmful than Panda, although it still has effected a lot of websites. So basically, these updates are aimed at promoting quality and filtering out spam.

Google Panda

Google unleashed the Panda on Feb 24 2011. And immediately, it made its mark and hit so many blogs and websites that the entire ranking structure was shaken, with new websites coming at the top while some old established websites dipping down. According to Google, it was aimed at filtering "thin or low quality content". Since its launch, Google have made changes to it 13 times as of 20th April 2012. And a total of 12% websites have been effected by this update.
Google panda

Google Penguin

Google Penguin is another installment in Google's arsenal of weapons to be unloaded onto the online world. This was introduced on 24th April 2012. Again, it aimed at discouraging / punishing spam websites. By far, it has effected about 3% of the websites. Prior to its release, Google said;

In the next few days, we’re launching an important algorithm change targeted at web spam. The change will decrease rankings for sites that we believe are violating Google’s existing quality guidelines. We’ve always targeted web spam in our rankings, and this algorithm represents another improvement in our efforts to reduce webspam and promote high quality content. While we can’t divulge specific signals because we don’t want to give people a way to game our search results and worsen the experience for users, our advice for webmasters is to focus on creating high quality sites that create a good user experience and employ white hat SEO methods instead of engaging in aggressive webspam tactics.

Google Penguin

Panda and Penguin penalty

Once again, these updates are aimed at punishing spam websites, although there could be a lot more reasons for the updates to hit your site. Sites that are hit have seen a demotion in their Google PageRank, and their traffic has dipped, while sites that have benefited from this update have seen a soar in their traffic. The saying "One man's gain is another man's loss" never seemed more appropriate.

Why have you been effected ?

There can be many reasons why you got hit. But the exact factors are known only to Google insiders. Google doesn't disclose this information, because if they do, search engine optimizers would grab on to those points and cheat Google once again. So Google does not give out the precise details, thank you very much. Here are, however, some probable causes as to why you took a hit.
  • Over optimization - This is very important. People who don't have quality content over optimize their websites. So you should do what is necessary, and no more! 
  • High keyword density - This is like calling out loud to search engines; "check me! check me! I have the most keywords!". And they don't like it when you call them. Using excessive keywords is also a form of spamming, since you are seeking for search engines' attention. In the past, pages were ranked according to the number of keywords they had. Not anymore though. Always keep that in mind. 
  • Virus and malware - People simply hate it when they land on a website infected with a virus. And so does Google. Having a virus on your site, or even having too many spam or bot scripts can trigger the alarm bells for Google. Please review your website regularly from now on. 
  • Lack of user experience - Now this is very crucial, and Google has been stressing on this a lot lately. Pleasing the search engine is one thing. Pleasing the visitors is another. Even with adequate SEO, a website that lacks a good user experience might have been hit by Google. 
  • Duplicate / copied content - Yeah you think you are making things easier for yourself when copying content, but actually, you aren't. In fact, quite the contrary, you are axing your own feet. Google hates it when it finds duplicate content on your website. Never copy from another source, and never use redundant content.
  • High Bounce Rate - Make sure to reduce the number of banners and other heavy graphics as much as possible to make sure your site loads faster. Slow loading blogs are hated by visitors and so by Google. Do not reduce the size of the page so much that it may begin looking dull and grey. Be creative yet smart!
These were some of the tips we had for you. This is the first post in a series that looks into these updates from Google in more detail. We will discuss reasons for failure (in more detail), how to avoid them, and best practices. We also hope to prepare you for the next major Google update. So stay tuned, and give us your feedback in the comment section below.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Advanced WordPress SEO Secrets Part 1

Wordpress by default lacks in both on page and off page search engine optimization, Therefore we here at incomefigure have decided to write a series of articles on advanced wordpress SEO, so you can improve your website's SEO. There are lots of advanced wordpress SEO secrets which are not known to newbie bloggers, which can tweaked to get better search engine results. Before reading this article we would also suggest you to add the Wordpress plugins mentioned in our Post "6 Wordpress Plugins To Improve Your Blogs' Traffic" for best results.

Advanced Wordpress SEO Secrets

1. Use decent permalinks.

Never pressure over what kind, it’s really a issue of individual personal preference, provided that they are not still the  ?page_id=191 kind, it does not seem to issue too much. If they still are, you can use this tool to handle a switchover much more quickly than in the last.

We use the  2012/06/05/postname structure and it performs just excellent, you can create them look more attractive if you want to.

Important Note: Adjusting wordpress permanent links should be one of the first things you should do, if you want to imrpove your Wordpress SEO. 

2. Turn Trackbacks on.

Trackbacks are greatly underused on most WP set ups we see, and when they are used they are  mostly not enhanced.

3. Sidebar -use it.

Blogroll – in contrast to well-known viewpoint (seo mythlore) blogroll backlinks (inbound or outbound) will not “hurt you” but you do need to manage their juice submission by ahead considering,  as in where you weblink and why, but this is a topic all on it’s own we’ll get returning to it in one of the long run content.

4. All-in-One-SEO pack

We recommend two all in one seo pack to you to use. HeadSpace and Seo sniper BUT The Platinum SEO Plugin basically picks up where All-in-One leaves off.

But do ensure:
Title is rewriting is on  %post_title% | %blog_title%
Categories and Archives Noindex /Follow (Tags optional, ours are Noindexed)

5. Dofollow Case by Case

Excellent tool, which allows us granular management over each and every weblink on the website that we can get to the URL of. Generally they are all on (followed) unless we choose to no follow them for any purpose. You just add /dontfollow.

6. Redirection – just ensure it’s on and working.

7. XML Sitemaps - not much to do here, activate it on, build the map, ignore.

Why SEO Experts Use Reserve Proxy Servers?

In digital networking system, a common term reserve proxy is used. It is a kind of server that is called the proxy server. That server gets back the possessions on demand of the customers from numerous servers connected. I also host my coupon site on these servers, where you will find havahart wireless promotion and Oakley Signs promo code on my site. These possessions are then revisited to the customers because these were released from the server of the customers. There is another kind of proxy server that is called forward proxy. The forward proxy is the link between the main server and client’s server. The reserve proxy server is used for the best SEO practices. The SEO experts always try to use the services that produce benefits for them. Because of this reason the value and demand of reserve proxy servers is increasing in online media.

What Are the Functions of Reserve Proxy ?
To understand the reasons the people should find the functions of these servers. The SEO experts look for the best solutions that are capable to reduce the workload by using different options. The functions of the reserve proxy should be searched in order to understand its importance and significance. Nowadays, SEO experts are looking forward to employ such methods and techniques that are helpful to promote the purposes as soon as possible. Companies and websites holders have no time to wait to see the performance of slow processing servers and hosting services. The reserve proxy offers the users to get many benefits in one packet that’s why it is preferred by most of the SEO experts.

Reserve Proxy Load Management Facilities :

The reserve proxy is well known for the reduction of loads and pressures. The SEO experts like the reserve proxy because of work load reducing features. However, these servers reduce the loads up to certain limits. The users can increase the limits by contacting the main server or hosting service providers. The reserve proxy is also popular for the load balancing. When the load on any online media becomes out of control the reserve proxy can check it. It equalizes the load to enable the online media for good performance.

Why Reserve Proxy Is Used ?

The reverse-proxy is a main server that is efficient to be used as a conciliator by the online users who are looking forward to send the access requests to the websites indirectly. These websites are main targets of these users so they use to send request to access that sites by using the reserve proxy. The reserve proxy strengthens the internal network by providing protection from the foreign invaders or attackers.

Reserve proxy as a server accelerator:

Because of load balancing, load management, administration and processing the reserve proxy is being popular among the SEO experts. These are some of the most important and popular factors and services that are required by the SEO experts in order to make the websites and blogs in better working condition. I also accelerated my coupon site where I offer Oakley Signs promo code and havahart wireless promotion with encryption, icon caching and compressing are some other features that make the reserve proxy more attractive and useful for the SEO experts working in the online sectors.

Expression Engine vs WordPress – Two Awesome CMS Compared

Developers should select a platform that precisely meets their requirements, and at the same time fits their skills in order to obtain good end-results. Both WordPress and Expression engine are proved to be well-designed platforms with merits and demerits of their own.
We are presenting a comparative analysis of Expression engine vs WordPress in the following sections, by putting ourselves into the shoes of a regular user.

Comparing Noteworthy Features

We will begin by evaluating the standard noteworthy features that can be seen in each of these platforms.

WordPress Features

  • It is one of the most preferred Content Management Systems because of its simplicity. Suppose if it doesn’t come integrated with the Web Hosting, you can easily install it using scripts like Fantastico or manual setup which shouldn’t take more than 5-10 minutes.
  • It comes with absolutely free licensing fees.
  • It can be used to handle multiple websites, but it is not recommended for a beginner PHP user. Self-Hosted WordPress blog provides maximum resource for the bloggers. So, choosing the best WordPress Hosting solutions is one of the main duty of the webmaster.
  • It costs nothing to include additional add-ons.
  • It offers excellent usability. It just involves drag and drop kind of functionality, and its consistency is within menus. It has the potential to navigate within submenus.
  • User management with advanced role assignment and several other permissions won’t be provided with the normal WordPress set-up, but it can be easily included as an additional plug-in named 

  • It offers exceptional documentation functionality for all basic needs, whereas documentation for some advanced functionalities is quite hard to locate.

Expression Engine Features

  • It comes with a starting licensing fee that ranges from $99 to $299.
  • Even with the help of this platform, one can easily manage with matching CMS, but you may have to spend another $80 to $200 to do this.
  • It fails to provide easy navigation between posts.
  • Add-ons are very expensive, and an EE add-on would cost $40.
  • It is not capable of providing fine-tuned settings to its users.
  • Even the records written by Expression engine fail to work efficiently.
Ease of Managing Content


The biggest difference between Expression engine and WordPress is in the method in which the content is managed. As we all know, in WordPress you can create a fresh post. The new post that is created will have a section for adding content, and certain custom fields, which are usually determined either by the developer who has created the basic template’s structure.
As a result, when you make a new post using WordPress, the content will be presented in many different ways based on the category selected, and whether the category is a parent or sub-category. The items selected by the user decide how the final content will be presented. In this way, WordPress roots as a basic blogging platform.

Expression Engine

On the other hand, Expression engine manages content somewhat differently. In this case, the user labels channels, and then each channel can be regarded as a discrete blog. For every channel, you are allowed to define categories, custom fields, and behaviors.
All channels will be concealed from the regular user in the administration section of the website. Typically, the user will be having access only to publish and edit parts of the website and probably certain modules.
On the whole, it could be concluded that from user perspective, WordPress would be an ideal choice for beginners due to its excellent usability and documentation functionalities and of course its Free. But avid webmasters may not have to worry about this aspect, and they may consider using Expression engine for adding uniqueness to their blogs/websites!

Google Drive “the long awaited rumor” is Now Live.

Google finally made Google Drive official, After years of rumors and over hyped features circulating internet boards.. Google finally made it all happen.
Earlier this day, Google mistakenly (I highly doubt that) leaked the Google Drive details on it French Blog.. Which didn’t stay long but as you expected Blog viewers copied it as soon as it was posted and it was all over the internet within seconds.. Probably this forced Google to officially announce the product today itself.
Google drive gives you another reason to throw your stuff on/in the cloud. The service comes with a 5GB free storage to all users and the paid storage plans are as follows:

  • 25GB of space for $2.49 a month. 
  • 100GB for $4.99 a month.
  • 1TB for $49.99 a month.
  • Also upgrading to a paid account will expand your Gmail storage to 25GB.
Google Docs is hard coded into Google Drive with functionality in Google Drive that will allow users to work with others in real-time, and includes the ability to share content with others, add and reply to comments, and receive notifications for new comments on documents or files.
Searching for files in Google Drive is simple (ought to! Guess what Google was actually made for?) by entering the keyword you can search for files in the Drive also you can set filters. Another interesting feature is the ability to read text from Scanned docs.
Users can attach photos to Drive to posts in Google+, and will soon be able to attach files from Drive directly to emails in Gmail. Google also says that Drive is an open platform, and that it is working with third-party developers to allow users to “send faxes, edit videos, and create website mockups directly from Drive.”
Google Drive is now available on the following platforms : PC, Mac, Android. iPhones and iPads will be compatible soon.

Although if you are still in the dilemma of moving out of Dropbox for Google Drive just because it offers 3GB extra space, Then you should check this out.
Google Drive is expected to give a tough competition to Dropbox and Apple iCloud mainly because of these reasons, Google Drive is offering more Free storage than Dropbox and that Google Drive is not a platform exclusive service unlike Apple iCloud which is only for iOS users.
Enjoy Google Drive here : Google Drive.